There’s Much To Be Thankful For From A Coug’s View

Tomorrow is the day our nation pauses for reflection and to give thanks where it’s due.

Each of us has our own list of elements effecting our lives in a positive way which we are thankful and grateful for. This writer covering Washington State athletics has so much to be thankful for once again in 2013.

Paring down my list to something manageable to share with family and friends is a daunting challenge. If allowed to ramble off a substantial portion of my list, well, you’d be clicking to something more interesting and concise quicker than most people give up their dreams in concession to reality.

My top five things to be grateful for will be offered in no particular order because they all are significant and integral in my journey.

There have been numerous mentors graciously helping to point me in the right direction time and time again. They range from the English teacher who constantly ‘red lined’ my writing efforts and ‘advised’ me on a daily basis that words mean things…to a former hospitality industry executive who managed to bring out the best in a spunky young man fresh out of college, ready to conquer the business world.

I would be remiss in not clarifying the aforementioned English teacher was my father.

It has been my privilege to have a hand in raising four children who have become outstanding people. Any and all of them are the kind of folks you would choose as a friend and neighbor if given the opportunity. My kids are living proof that despite my often inept parenting, doing the best you can will reap rich reward down the line. They have blessed me with four grandchildren who constantly put a little twinkle in my eyes.

Forty-four years ago, my decision to attend Washington State University proved to be one of the best choices I’ve ever made. WSU provided me with a foundation for intellectual and personal evolution which has stood the test of time. I’ve discovered that the mutually beneficial commitment between myself and WSU is a lasting one. Heck, it’s outlasted two marriages which were supposed to have been lifelong commitments!

Luck has followed me wherever my travels have led over the years.

Living in Pullman, WA, was such a unique place to be, it would be reckless to take that wonderful place to live for granted. Placing the home to Washington State at the top of my list of places I’ve lived is a no-brainer. But there is a lot to say about living in the area of my childhood as well. Southern California is rich with natural beauty and cultural diversity, standing second to none on the world stage. And the weather? Only a fool wouldn’t be thankful for the sunshine often taken for granted by the millions who have decided to have their mail sent here.

Rounding out my list of five things to be thankful for would be those who have allowed me to be a part of their lives. Friends. And like the weather in SoCal, friends are too easy to take for granted. Pausing to remember how thankful I am for an army of folks who I count as friends holds it’s own reward. Their impact on my life is incalculable despite efforts to quantify.

OK, I’ll push the envelope here.

I’m thankful for the opportunity to watch WSU student-athletes compete against the best. Seeing Cougs emerge from a competition victorious carries with it an emotional lift. And observing Cougars bring their best to the many fields of competition is inspiring.

Indeed, there is much to be thankful for. I appreciate you taking a moment to read about a few of the components shaping who this guy is and would treasure the chance to hear some of the things you are thankful for.

Happy Thanksgiving!

