Wednesday morning and we’re back at it with more clicks to Cougar links this A.M. Mostly football stuff today as WSU completed practice number nine yesterday.
Motum Selected To Participate In Portsmouth Invitational Tournament – SWX
"Washington State University men’s basketball senior Brock Motum is one of 64 college basketball seniors selected to participate in the Portsmouth Invitational Tournament (P.I.T), which will take place, Wednesday, April 10 through Saturday, April 13 at Portsmouth, Va."
2013 CougCenter Podcast, Episode 13: Is 2013 Austin Apodaca’s only chance to start?
"Our resident Air Raid expert Brian Anderson stops by to explain something I hadn’t really thought of before: could this be Austin Apodaca’s only opportunity to start? Plus, Brian outlines what Connor Halliday needs to do to improve and solidify this position as the starting quarterback."
WSU’s Dockery gets hand of position switch – Spokesman
"Done with trying to play cornerback when he wanted so badly to play receiver. Done with trying to learn the defensive playbook. Done with Washington State’s football team."
Cougar Football Spring Practice Recap, Day 9 –
Full Contact for WSU on Day 9 – Spokesman
"There will be plays for the defense to remember, too, such as Cyrus Coen’s big hit on Gabe Marks on an inside screen pass, or Jeremiah Allison’s interception near the goal line, or Kache Palacio’s “sack” of Halliday, or Eric Oertel’s big thump of Jeremiah Laufasa."