For most schools like Washington State, it's not about living and dying with the dec..."/> For most schools like Washington State, it's not about living and dying with the dec..."/>

Washington State Football Recruiting: Just How Close Did Tyler Bruggman’s Mother Come to Flipping Him From Cougs to Devils on National Signing Day?


For most schools like Washington State, it’s not about living and dying with the decisions of the Robert Nkemdiche’s, Reuben Foster’s, Kylie Fitts’s or the Eddie Vanderdoes’ of the world on National Signing Day. The most important thing for the majority of coaches is getting the one that YOU have tabbed number one to finalize his signing. Likely, there’s somebody else that’s making a last second push as well and in Mike Leach’s case it was Arizona State doing the pushing.

Tyler Bruggman, the 4-star highly sought Brophy Prep quarterback from Pheonix, AZ, was the recipient of sudden-change recruiting this morning when it looked like flipping allegiances was going to lead to a major domino effect within the Pac-12 conference and beyond.

Arizona State’s very highly rated dual-quarterback commit, Joshua Dobbs flipped to Tennessee and the chase for Bruggman was on from the Devils. There was also an unexpected party who stepped in to help ASU, via several reports.

While unclear if the reports that surfaced were completely accurate, it seems Bruggman’s mother had a sudden change of heart when Dobbs bailed, urging her son to stay in-state and sign with the Devils. Then, the questions started popping up in Tyler’s head and it quickly became a rocky morning in Pullman for the Coug-faithful and probably Mike Leach.

For almost 2 hours reports swirled in that Bruggman was truly torn between ASU and WSU, then that he was still fully committed, then that he had flipped for family, then that the reports were all bogus. Which one to believe?

In the end, something happened for sure that had Tyler in turmoil and there was more than enough evidence in this one comment from him that his family was indeed involved: It was something to the effect of ‘Been a really stressful morning deciding on my future but in the end, I’m a man of my word’.

Yep, his mom may indeed have come too close for Washington State, but in the end,  Tyler Bruggman is a Coug!