The Ref: Team Camp Blog – Day 3


What a long 3rd day with just 4 more hrs of a tournament in the morning to get to. Very physical day of ball with some of the bigger teams and guys getting lazy and tired, including myself.

WSU is officially challenging Oregon for the number of logos on campus, it’s everywhere.

Speaking of Oregon, I started the camp out in my black on black Oregon shorts (used for officiated summer league because they were the only black on black shorts I could find a couple years ago) and caught flack from several people, including Coach Bone. LOL needless to say I now have the black WSU shorts and told coach he doesn’t have to bother me anymore about it. HAHA

Got to see the Cougs practice, even ref them a bit tonight. Very interesting dynamic watching the practice. Very few people get to actually see them and it was really fun. They work extremely hard and it’s tough to believe at times how young these kids actually are. There were some huge dunks after practice. Just fun to see.

…I am so worn out. There’s nothing quite like officiating 24 games in a 2 and 1/2 day period. I think there was more I wanted to put, but it’s not going to happen because I can’t remember. Oh well. Good night.


The Ref