Idaho WR Ken McRoyal Dies

It has been found that University of Idaho WR Ken McRoyal passed away this morning in Los Angeles, CA. We send our condolences out to his family, friends, teammates and coaches in this time of mourning. Though I’m a Coug, I live in Moscow, personally attended the U of I and have worked with the Athletic Dept over here, so this is a sad day for all of us. Being a father and especially on Mother’s Day I never want to hear that a child has passed, and cannot imagine the emotions and grief within his family. So sorry to hear this.

McRoyal’s cause of death is unknown and Rob Akey had this to say (via Brian Murphy of the Idaho Statesmen):

"“It’s a devastating loss,” coach Robb Akey said. “We’ve lost a brother, a teammate, a family member. But, more importantly, a momma lost her son today. All of our prayers go to the family – that they can be strong in their healing from this tragedy.”"
